White is now taking the colour of Silence. This is the result of a new awareness. It is at the heart of the peaceful silence in Self that is the field of creation. It is confusing because it does not inform in advance of what will arise, on the direction that we will take. It is a true letting go and a connection to the faith in his soul and in the Nature. Making the Void allows me to enter into another way of functioning with the world. It is less thoughtful, much more fluid, surprising, light, cheerful...
White was once a carrier, like a vase where colors bloom. Today, it is the threshold of the door open to the Silence, to the pure and authentic interior Creation. It is its vector on the canvas. It is freedom, lasting joy, resonance with my soul and the intention to transmit...
Silence - 146x114cm, 2023
Acrylic paint, water enwax, dry pastels, varnish as color
on linen canvas